Work Environment – How to Promote Team Unity

08/11/2023 | News


The work environment is made up of individuals with particular profiles, skills, competencies and interests. In the organization of work, these individuals, specialists in certain areas, form teams that “combine” knowledge, in a relationship of open collaboration where egocentrism is not a place.


We are not talking about one or two teams. There are several and diverse teams that, in the configuration of work and departments, work to achieve common objectives: the success of an enterprise, a project, a business. In theory, organized in this way, personal interests should align to achieve something greater and for the general benefit. It seems like an obvious explanation, however, what often happens – and despite attempts to promote unity – is that people, forgetting this greater and common purpose, start to act independently, according to their beliefs and rules, as if the One's problem was just that: one's problem. Never is. One person's problem is always and has repercussions on everyone's work – for better or for worse.

It is true that total integration between different people is not always achieved. However, also in the professional environment, the differences add up. Each employee has different resources and skills and, precisely because of this “specialty”, they are called upon to join a team to meet a need. Being aligned with the company's objectives means being personally motivated to collaborate with them. To be committed to a group, a purpose is to be engaged with that group or purpose. Companies today, due to the business models generated by digital evolution, depend on the interaction and engagement of teams and the motivation of their members. If the motivation is personal, engagement can be developed through the management of business strategies that clearly indicate roles and functions.

More than rigid definitions of right and wrong, it is important that individual characteristics are recognized and mapped so that the professional is encouraged to join forces and, thus, enhance results that, alone, they would not obtain. Engaged employees achieve positive results by carrying out their activities with commitment. These results will be reflected in the company's success and revenue, but also in the training of each member, strengthening feelings of belonging and unity that improve the ability to face future challenges. In other words, the reflection of common work affects everyone and everyone.

And if this unique functioning of teams is easily understandable when the focus is on the development of skills, training and their consequent work opportunities, why is it not realized, in routine and daily coexistence, that the effects of teamwork are equally meaningful and rewarding for everyone? Regardless of where you work or the work format – in-person, remote or hybrid – what defines the importance and merit of each employee in this gear is their engagement and delivery, but there is no denying that, in the work environment , everyone's problem is everyone's problem. The timeless content of Aesop’s fable, “The Mouse and the Mousetrap”, helps us reflect on this.


The Mouse and the Mousetrap (Aesop)

A mouse, looking through the hole in the wall, saw the farmer and his wife opening a package. He immediately thought about the type of food that would be there. When he discovered it was a mousetrap, he was scared. He ran across the farm yard, announcing:
– There is a mousetrap in the house, a mousetrap in the house!
The chicken said:
– I'm sorry Mr. Rat, I understand that this is a big problem for you, but it doesn't harm me in any way.
The mouse went to the pig and said:
– There is a mousetrap in the house, a mousetrap!
– I'm sorry Mr. Rat, but there's nothing I can do except pray. Rest assured that you will be remembered in my prayers.
The mouse went to the cow. And she said to him:
– A mousetrap? Am I in danger? I don't think so!
Then the mouse returned home. That night, there was a noise like a mousetrap catching its victim. The farmer's wife ran to see what it was. In the dark, she did not see that the mousetrap had caught the tail of a poisonous snake. And the snake bit the woman. The farmer took him to the hospital. She came back with a fever. Everyone knows that to feed someone with a fever, there's nothing better than chicken soup. The farmer took his cleaver and supplied the main ingredient. As the woman's illness continued, neighbors came to visit her. To feed them, the farmer killed the pig. The woman did not improve and died. Many people came to the funeral. The farmer then sacrificed his holidays to feed all those people.
The next time you hear that someone is facing a problem and you believe that the problem does not concern them, remember that when there is a mousetrap in the house, the entire farm is at risk. One person's problem is everyone's problem.

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