The Importance Of Soft Skills

01/02/2023 | News


The Importance Of Soft Skills


The growing appreciation of soft skills in the labor market is due to the new dynamics generated by technological transformation. If before performance and curriculum prevailed for professional selection, today it is necessary to develop communication skills and interpersonal relationships.


               With the technological transformation, the labor market has undergone major changes. Studies by the National Industry Observatory indicate, for the coming years, a demand for workers in continuing education, that is, in permanent updating for the acquisition of specific skills. This high demand for qualification means that the retention of a worker in the market depends a lot on their behavioral, social and relational skills, such as leadership, flexibility, creativity, proactivity, empathy, critical thinking, ease of communication, learning and teaching – the so-called soft skills -, associated with a high degree of technical knowledge. While hard skills reveal the technical performance of a professional and the knowledge acquired from graduations, post-graduations, languages and other proven courses in curriculums, soft skills are linked to differentiated interpersonal relationships that favor the selection and permanence of some professionals in companies. According to Senai's Professional Education Coordinator, Leonardo Vieira, the industry has mainly sought relationship skills, emotional intelligence and the ability to work under pressure "that comes today in different forms, whether due to delivery times, production speed, new technologies or the pandemic itself…”.

   Knowing how to relate, listening to colleagues, taking initiative and working as a team are increasingly important requirements for Human Resources departments. These are skills – mental, emotional and social – that evolve with each experience acquired in the cultural and family context and determine how we react, relate and transform ourselves with each new experience. Difficult to pinpoint which skills most relevant, as each works in a different way. However, realizing which are the strengths and which should be improved, helps the professional adapt to unusual environments and situations. Also more difficult to measure, soft skills can be encouraged, developed and redirected according to the company's profile and needs. However, self-knowledge speaks louder. When the professional gets to know himself, he identifies defects, pleasures, dissatisfaction and also the values that guide his trajectory. Each one has a particular definition of success and self-knowledge helps to define which are the priority goals. According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, father of emotional intelligence, all behavioral skills are based on mind and body self-regulation, time management and feedback culture, which consists of identifying acquired skills and skills to be improved.

   Ssoft skills can be used in various professions and positions, contributing to the improvement of organizations. Mastering this type of skill allows the employee to transit between different areas in a harmonious and productive way, communicating and relating appropriately and objectively. The way in which communication takes place directly impacts the work environment, influences the productivity of employees and the treatment given to customers, interferes in negotiations and inclusion policies, determines interpersonal relationships. A company is formed by unique and distinct individuals, therefore, having a collective and integrated thought, based on the development of skills that, not by chance, the market demands, becomes fundamental for good coexistence and for a positive business performance .


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