ChatGPT – How far will we go with Artificial Intelligence?

28/02/2023 | News


ChatGPT – How far will we go with Artificial Intelligence?


According to recent statements by Bill Gates, the ChatGPT will make many office jobs more efficient and “this will change our world! ” However, what does ‘our world’ say about the subject, seeing itself new and strongly affected by technology? After all,we know that the algorithm is very powerful, but how far can it reach? 


   ChatGPT is an algorithm based on artificial intelligence created by the OpenAI laboratory in San Francisco (USA). Acronym of “Generative Pre-Trained Transformer” was developed based on neural networks, machine learning and virtual dialogues, improving the well-known virtual assistants like Google and Alexa. Its model has layers that allow the platform to lock in to keywords, their various meanings and contexts. Launched in November 2022, the tool revolutionized the market, especially due to the fact that - unlike chatbots that simulate conversations between people in customer service services -, it is capable of giving creative answers, even creating stories, song lyrics, poems, short stories, programming codes, recipes, among other texts. Like all AI, the algorithm collects information from the internet, creates its database and operates with the crossing of this data. With resources that prevent its use in a harmful way, the system was fed with data and facts that occurred until 2021, which means that questions about later dates are not understood.

   The first experiences with the technology show that their texts still have a lower quality than those written by professionals and some experiences with chatbots proved to be susceptible to inaccuracies. Schools and universities try to prevent students from using ChatGPT in their work because they understand that the use of artificial intelligence in place of critical reflection and creativity negatively impacts learning. In line with this understanding, the creators of the platform warn that their answers still have errors and have already launched tools to detect content created by it, aiming to ensure fair evaluation of student performance by teachers. With this, what is intended is not to prohibit its use in schools, but its adequacy, because, when used correctly, ChatGPT can make life easier for students in the elaboration of abstracts, consultations, research and simulations, as well as helping the teachers in preparing their lessons.  It is also worth remembering that current copyright laws do not contemplate chatbots, generating debates on authorship, interpretation, fraud and plagiarism, intensified especially after the launch of chatbots ChatGPT (from OpenAI), Bing (Microsoft) and Bard (Google). The legal consequence of the absence of content protection by copyright law is the alleged idea that everyone can use it freely.

   Among celebrations and criticism, the fact remains that it is still not possible to rely solely on content produced by ChatGPT for making relevant decisions. However, the expectation is that artificial intelligence will evolve and start to create more elaborate texts, even if generated by a machine. Another fact is that ChatGPT technology is not exactly new. Its current version is an update to version 2, from 2019, which, according to more severe critics, only improves the opportunity for some people to achieve more with less effort. These, the same people who already sought advantages in their activities, by other means, well before the emergence of chatbots.

   Thus, between adjustments, successes and errors, what is wanted is the evolution of a serious artificial intelligence that provides real advances, not unfair advantages. Technological innovations need to be ethical, their use must be responsible, supported by judicious and efficient human management, while, simultaneously, human intelligence, conscience and creativity are preserved and valued.

    Of course, as always, the world will adapt to ChatGPT. Schools will find ways to teach and evaluate performances with and despite it, companies will know how to use it productively and men will reflect on their theses and create their own speeches, even if, from time to time, they enjoy the best that technology offers. What we must demystify is that ChatGPT will be able to create new thoughts. It is based on information entered by humans. It will do a lot, help in many areas, but so far, respecting a previously prepared database. This insertion of information for the machine to “learn” will necessarily require intellect, something that the algorithm will not be able to create. At least that's what everyone who doesn't intend to be, one day, dominated by machines hopes!

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